New Directions    Solo Exhibition

April 4-27, 2008
Gallery open daily
7am - 6pm
Gallery 919 Market
919 N Market Street, Wilmington DE
Info: (302) 229-3266 or
Opening Reception & Old-Time Music Party
Friday, April 4     4:30-8:30pm

Tim Brown has posted photos of the opening celebration

Not able to join us in person? Want to see that painting again?
Browse our online gallery of works included in the show.

Artist Statement

My formal training and first artistic love was printmaking, but I found it easier to make my living designing gardens. Designing gardens is in many ways similar to composing a print or painting. The contours of a landscape become the canvas; the shape, texture and color of plants become the palette. One is constantly analyzing composition, color, form and scale. In the winter months when gardening season was over and I was back in my studio, I would find my artistic skills rusty but my vision enhanced.

"New Directions" celebrates my return as a fulltime artist. Another new direction: I'm returning as a painter, not a printmaker. While my earlier prints were in black and white, I transitioned into acrylic silkscreen for more color. The pigments I used with silkscreen mediums could also be used with water on paper to create greater color saturation and intensity. My watercolors, which are the focus of this show, are a fusion of some selected printmaking techniques and these intense pigments.

I paint scenes people don't stop to look at: swamps, patches of marsh grass, trees at a pond's edge. I'm endlessly fascinated by the complex pattern of plants, the reflections of the shoreline, and the colors of the seasons. The details in my paintings create mood: the sense of mystery one finds on a mist shrouded pond in the early morning, the tranquility of still water reflections on a sunny day.

I will never tire of these images; many of the paintings in this show are of a pond and forest that have been in my family for over 100 years. It is a place of solitude, renewal, and inspiration, and I delight in being able to share it with others.

~Liz Toffey
April 4, 2008